The secret to film is that it's an illusion"
George Lucas
Storyboarding Examples: Shallow Grave and The Shining
Looking at Douglas Ingram's work on storyboarding these two well-known films is a very useful way of seeing how storyboard techniques are applied in real productions. This allows the audience to compare the pre-production work to the final piece and recognise that the planning is significant in providing a high quality composition. It is also helpful in that it proves to the less willing storyboarders amongst us that this is an important aspect of film-making.
How to use Storyboards in a Film Production
This page is part of the Wikibooks Movie Making Manual, and provides a clear and concise description of how a storyboard may be used by the director and crew when on set. It also has a section describing the software that can be used to aid the storyboarding process.
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